Saturday, October 1, 2011

Rockin' in the 80s: 'In the Dark' by Billy Squier (1981)

Rockin' in the 80s returns with Billy Squier, and his 1981 hit song In the Dark. Billy Squier (born William Haislip "Billy" Squier) is an American rock musician from Wellesley, Massachusetts, USA who has been active in the rock music scene circa 1968. In the Dark was an arena-rock hit by Squier, and was released on his July-1981 release album Don't Say NoIn the Dark was the second single released from that album (following The Stroke) where it reached #35 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart, and #7 on Billboard's Hot Mainstream Rock Tracks chart. Good stuff, stay tuned for more Rockin' 80s hits to come in future posts, next in line we have Your 80s Hip Hop Trax

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